Home / Paintings / Taylor Lashae.

Taylor Lashae.

Acrylic paint on 2 sheets of 18"x24" plexiglass on top of 2 sheets of 24"x32" plexiglass. Date: August 2020.

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The Story Of This Painting.

I am very excited to incorporate silkscreen stencils to make the halftone pattern on this painting. I love the gooey impasto effect I was able to create. Thanks goes to Jacoub Reyes for helping me with burning the screens.

Something else that I included in this painting was adding dots with very saturated color to one of the background sheets of plexiglass. Just above that layer is a sheet of dots with a more natural muted color palette. The effect is to create a painting with lots of color complexity that looks very different up close than it looks far away.

Exhibition History:


Here is a short 1 min video that shows the 3D kinetic aspects of this painting.